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Biblical person: Philip (apostle)

Creative activities and ideas based on the biblical figure of Philip (apostle)

Philip is the first person who Jesus of Nazareth invites to become his disciple. Philip lives in Bethsaida, along with his brothers Andrew and Peter. Through Philip, Nathaniel also becomes a disciple of Jesus. Philip appears only a few times in the gospels, such as at the miraculous feeding of five thousand, and at the Last Supper.

We have compiled a range of creative ideas and activities below that relate to this Biblical person. These resources are designed to help you teach important life lessons in an engaging and interactive way, whether you are a children's ministry leader, a Sunday school teacher, or a religious educator in a Christian primary school.

Our activities below are suitable for use in various settings such as church children's programs, children's ministry, catechism classes, children's services, Bible clubs, vacation Bible school, and Sunday school, and will help students understand the relevance of the Bible to their lives, and the importance of applying its teachings in practical ways.

Discover all 25 activities and ideas