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Bible story: Pentecost

Creative activities based on the Bible story of Pentecost

In Acts 2:1-41, we read the Bible story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The disciples were gathered together when suddenly there was a sound like a rushing wind, and flames of fire appeared over their heads. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages. People from all over the world were amazed to hear them speaking in their own languages, and many believed in Jesus that day. This story teaches children about the power of the Holy Spirit and how God can work through us to share his message with others. It shows that God can do amazing things when we allow him to work through us.

On this page you will find creative ideas, resources and activities relating to the Bible story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, which you can use in your Bible lessons, kidmin, kid’s ministry, elementary school or homeschooling. 

Discover all 26 activities and ideas