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Bible book: Zechariah

Creative activities and ideas based on the Bible book Zechariah

The book of Zechariah is an important part of the Old Testament, as it provides insights into the return of the Jewish people from their exile in Babylon and the promises God made to them.

The prophet Zechariah wrote about the quality of life that God wants to give His people, and he provided many encouraging promises throughout the book. In addition, Zechariah also prophesied about the future, providing insight into what was to come.

On this page, you will find a variety of creative ideas, resources, and activities related to the book of Zechariah. These materials can be used in various settings, including children's ministry, catechism, children's church, Bible clubs, vacation Bible school, Sunday school, or Christian primary schools.

With these resources, you can help children learn more about this important book of the Bible and understand the message that Zechariah shared with his people.