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Prayer idea - Christmas (5): Mary meets Elisabeth - What makes your heart bubble up?

A fun creative prayer idea about thanksgiving and praising God

This prayer idea below can be used with the Bible story of Mary meeting Elisabeth, and the (prophetic) song that Elisabeth sang. It is part of a complete Sunday school lesson on Mary meeting Elisabeth in Luke 1: 39-45 as part of our series for advent and Christmas.

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What you need:

  • bottles of bubble mix
  • food colouring
  • paper hearts
  • pens

Let's start...


Put a few drops of food colouring in each of the bottles of bubble mix – a different colour in each bottle gives the best effect.

Give the children a paper heart and ask them to write things that they are thankful for, and what they want to thank God for.

Then show them how they can blow bubbles up against the paper hearts. When the bubbles burst they will leave their colour behind on the paper. The children can blow different colour bubbles to make a nice effect on their paper hearts.

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